Demetris Trihinas

Hello World!

I am a tenured Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Nicosia with specialization in Big Data Management and Processing. I am also a Senior Member at the University’s Artificial Intelligence Lab overseeing Data-Intensive Computing initiatives.

As a Researcher, I focus on designing and developing scalable and self-manageable data analysis systems by exploring the intersection between (Big) Data Management, Distributed Systems and Machine Learning. Examples include performance and quality-aware optimization of continuous analytic jobs in edge computing settings, scalable emulation of data-intensive IoT services, benchmarking tools for geo-distributed ML applications, low-cost approximation techniques for self-adaptive monitoring, interoperable analytics over blockchains and federated learning deployments. For the last couple of years, I have also been working on energy- and carbon-aware Data and AIOps, a field that is gaining significant interest due to the need of establishing sustainable practices as part of the Responsible AI movement.

Previously, I was an Adjunct Lecturer and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus. As a Postdoc, I was associated with the Laboratory for Internet Computing. I additionally hold a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus and a Dipl-Ing in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. My PhD dissertation targeted developing low-cost probabilistic and adaptive learning models for approximate monitoring in order to improve energy-efficiency and reduce both the volume and velocity of data generated and consumed by IoT services. For the research conducted during my doctoral studies, I was selected by the Heidelberg Laureate Forum as one of the 100 young promising researchers in Computer Science for 2015.

I have extensive experience in European and National co-funded research projects. Currently, I am the Scientific Coordinator for the AdaptoFlow project (Horizon Europe TrialsNet open call) that is in the process of designing a service to support energy-aware AI/ML inference and data stream processing for AI-driven applications deployed in geo-distributed settings including smart cities. Recently, I was the Scientific Coordinator for the AI4IDS project, a nationally funded project that designed an AI-based intrusion detection service as a cloud offering for malware classification and was also the Project Coordinator for the FlockAI project funded by the UNIC SEED grant scheme. FlockAI delivered a framework supporting Machine Learning testing and benchmarking for drone applications. I have also just finished contributing to the EC co-funded ALAMEDA H2020 project where we focused on MLOps for the design of AI-infused services aiding in the data collection of patient daily routine and medical interventions. In the past, I participated as a Work Package Leader to multiple projects (e.g., RAINBOW, Unicorn, PaaSport) funded under the European Commission FP7 and H2020 grant schemes.

Our lab also features a number of other EU and National projects that I help out with. You may see a list here.

Recent News

Dec '24 Happy to announce that the 3rd International Workshop on Testing Distributed Internet of Things Systems (TDIS) is moving to hashtag ACM EuroSys this year and will be held in Rotterdam, Netherlands on March 31, 2025! Call for papers (short 4p, full 6p) is already available on our website and paper submission deadline is on Jan 24, 2025.

Oct '24 Happy to see that our article showcasing the impact of different ML backends, placement policies, resource fitting, and co-location stategies for Federated Learning administrated in Kubernetes clusters, has received an honourable mention for 2023. This work actually led to the development of FedBed (a IEEE/ACM UCC 2023 best paper) where we designed a benchmarking toolkit for FL on top of the popular Flower framework

Dec '23 Best Paper award at IEEE CloudCom 2023 for our paper entitled "Energy-Aware Streaming Analytics Job Scheduling for Edge Computing".

Dec '23 Best Paper award at IEEE/ACM UCC 2023 for our paper entitled "FedBed: Benchmarking Federated Learning over Virtualized Edge Testbeds".

Jul '23 Promoted to Assistant Professor!!!

May '23 The AILab successfuly hosted the first AI and Data Science Day at UNIC.

Mar '23 With Dr. Lauritz Thamsen (University of Glasgow) and Dr. David Bermbach (Technical University of Berlin), we are looking for papers for a special issue of Wiley's SPE journal on Benchmarking, Experimentation Tools, and Reproducible Practices for Data-Intensive Systems from Edge to Cloud. Submissions due March 31st.

Feb '23 Just got tenure!!!

Jun '22 Best Paper award at IEEE ISCC 2022 for our paper entitled "BenchPilot: Repeatable and Reproducible Benchmarking for Edge Micro-DCs".

Mar '22 Best Paper award at IEEE/ACM IoTDi 2022 for out paper entitled "5g-slicer: An emulator for mobile iot applications deployed over 5g network slices"

Researcher Openings

Open job posting for a Researcher in the area of Big Data processing for geo-distributed environments, Energy- and Carbon-Aware ML, as well as other aspects of Data-Intensive Computing. For more information please contact me.

Open job posting for a Reasearcher in the area of Machine Learning for Drone Swarms (Ref: CSAI06/20). For more information, see the detailed job posting here.

Open job posting for a Reasearcher in the area of Machine Learning for Smart Cities (Ref: CSAI11/19). For more information, see the detailed job posting here.


PhD in Computer Science

Jan 2015- Feb 2018 University of Cyprus

Doctoral Thesis: Low-Cost Approximate and Adaptive Monitoring Techniques
Advisors: Prof. Marios D. Dikaiakos and Dr. George Pallis

Master (MSc) in Computer Science

Jan 2013- Dec 2014 University of Cyprus

Best Post-Graduate Student Award
Thesis: Monitoring Elastically Adaptive Cloud Services

Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sept 2007 - Nov 2012 National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

Thesis: Research and Development of a Web Service for Data-Intensive Storage Clouds.
Advisor: Prof. Theodora Varvarigou

Work Experience in Academia

Assistant Professor (tenured)

July 2023 - Current Department of Computer Science, University of Nicosia.

Specialization: Big Data Management and Processing.
Senior Member: Artificial Intelligence Lab - Leading Data-Intensive Computing initiatives.
Researcher: ALAMEDA H2020 MLOps for patient chatbot.

Lecturer (tenure-track)

Sep 2018 - Jun 2023 Department of Computer Science, University of Nicosia.

Specialization: Big Data Management and Processing.
Senior Member: Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Project Coordinator: FlockAI project funded under the UNIC SEED grant scheme.
WP Leader: RAINBOW H2020 project (Data Management Services).

Postdoctoral Researcher

Jan 2018 - Aug 2018 Laboratory for Internet Computing, University of Cyprus

Research: low-cost approximate and adaptive monitoring, scalable emulation of data-intensive IoT services, optimization of temporal graph processing..
WP Leader: UNICORN H2020 project (Governance Mechanisms).

Visiting Teaching Staff (Adjunct Lecturer)

Jan 2018 - Jun 2018 Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus.

Principal Lecturer: CS-233: Object-Oriented Programming.


Nov 2012 - Dec 2017 Laboratory for Internet Computing, University of Cyprus.

Research: cloud monitoring, IoT data collection optimization, elastic scaling for dynamic cloud resource provisioning.
Projects: CELAR and PaaSport from EC FP7 funding scheme.

Junior Researcher

Jun 2011 - Aug 2012 Distributed Knowledge and Media Systems Group - National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

Projects: Vision Cloud from EC FP7 funding scheme.

Honors and Awards

Best Paper Award

Dec 2023 IEEE/ACM CloudCom 2023

for the paper entitled “Energy-Aware Streaming Analytics Job Scheduling for Edge Computing” at the 14th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom 2023)

Best Paper Award

Dec 2023 IEEE/ACM UCC 2023

for the paper entitled “FedBed: Benchmarking Federated Learning over Virtualized Edge Testbeds” at the 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (IEEE/ACM UCC 2023)

Featured on European Commission Innovation Radar


The Fogify emulator is featured on the European Commission Innovation Rader (https://innovation- as a tech- ready technology with market creation potential.

Best Paper Award

Jun 2022 IEEE ISCC 2022

for the paper entitled “BenchPilot: Repeatable and Reproducible Benchmarking for Edge Micro-DCs” at the 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2022)

Best Paper Award

Mar 2022 ACM/IEEE IoTDi 2022

for the paper entitled “5G-Slicer: An emulator for mobile IoT applications deployed over 5G network slices” at the 7th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDi 2022)

Best Demo Award

Dec 2020 ACM/IEE SEC 2020

for the paper entitled “Emulating Geo-Distributed Fog Services” at the 5th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2020)

First Place - People's Award for Research

2019 IEF 2019

Fourth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum Cyprus (IEF 2019): "StreamSight, a query-driven framework for modelling and extracting analytic insights from IoT services"

Heidelberg Laureate Forum

2015 IEF 2019

Selected as one of the top 100 young researchers in the field Computer Science: "Adaptive Learning Models for Heterogeneous Cloud and IoT Services".

Best Post-Graduate Student Award

2014 School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Cyprus.

Best Paper Award

2014 ICSOC 2014

For the paper entitled "ADVISE – a Framework for Evaluating Cloud Service Elasticity Behavior" at the 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014).

Unica Student Forum

2014 UNICA

Selected as a delegate to represent the University of Cyprus at the Unica Student Conference 2014.

Several papers are available for download. By following these links you agree to respect the copyrights of the papers.

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Fall 2023

  • COMP-116: Software Development Lab I, BSc in Computer Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-140: Introduction to Data Science, BSc in Data Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-240: Data Programming, BSc in Data Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-543DL: Managing and Visualing Data, MSc-DL in Data Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-548DL: Big Data Management and Processing, MSc-DL in Data Science, elective.

Spring 2024

  • COMP-370: Algorithms, BSc in Computer Science / BSc in Data Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-340: Big Data, BSc in Data Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-543DL: Managing and Visualing Data, MSc-DL in Data Science, mandatory.

Previously Taught

  • COMP-111: Programming Principles I, BSc in Computer Science, mandatory.
  • COMP-399C: Data Science, BSc in Computer Science, elective.

Get in Touch

Department of Computer Science, School of Sciences and Engineering, 46 Makedonitissas Avenue, CY-2417, P.O.Box 24005, CY-1700, Nicosia, Cyprus
Office B114 (1st floor, main building)
+357 2284-1792

Contact Form